Time-Base Course


This 6-day intense workshop is an adaptation of a Parsons First Year program course, called TIME; the course is an introduction to the cultural and perceptual constructions of time, both conceptually and through time-based media practice. Following a PBL methodology, my aim was to introduce language implicitly to a group of EFL English learners (from beginners to high intermediate) from the Dominican Republic. In the lesson plan, I have integrated short language tasks for students to be able to write briefs and descriptions of their work while building on their technical vocabulary. The main challenge when I taught this class last Fall 2017 was to be able to use differentiation to support each student at their specific English level; this included using jigsaw exercises for intermediate students to cover the more challenging readings while beginners analyzed introductory texts. This strategy worked well as students shared their understanding of the readings, first in small groups and then as mini-presentations for the whole class. I will be teaching this course in Spring 2019; for this second iteration, I am integrating more warm-up exercises to activate schema and assess students’ background knowledge.

#Methods Intensive for Faculty #Lesson Plan
